Healthgrades Recognizes GRMC as 5-Star Recipient for Vaginal Delivery Care
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Guadalupe Regional Medical Center is a 5-star recipient for Vaginal Delivery for 6 years in a row (2015-2020) as recognized by Healthgrades, the leading resource that connects consumers, physicians and health systems. This 5-star rating indicates that Guadalupe Regional Medical Center’s clinical outcomes for Vaginal Delivery are statistically significantly better than expected.
We are honored that GRMC’s Birthing Center has been acknowledged on a national level for the sixth year in a row for vaginal childbirth deliveries,” says Daphne Blake, Chief Nursing Officer of Guadalupe Regional Medical Center. “In addition to our highly skilled nursing staff, board-certified OBGYN’s, on-staff neonatologist, and being a Certified Texas Ten Step Hospital our goal is to be a family-centered environment where safety and quality come first. Our Birthing Center is dedicated to providing new mothers and families with the highest quality and compassionate care throughout all phases of pregnancy; and we continue to make it our goal to provide a family-centered environment that delivers a safe and pleasant childbirth experience to each life we are privileged to touch.”
“Hospital quality should be top of mind for consumers when they evaluate and compare hospital performance,” said Brad Bowman, MD, Chief Medical Officer, Healthgrades. “Women who select a hospital with a 5-star rating can feel confident in their choice knowing that these organizations are committed to providing exceptional women’s care to their patients.”
Healthgrades analyzed all-payer state data for 16 states for years 2016 through 2018. Healthgrades found that there is a significant variation in hospital quality between those that have received 5-stars and those that have not. For example, from 2016 through 2018, women having a Vaginal Delivery in hospitals rated 5-stars have, on average, a 43.6% lower risk of experiencing a complication while in the hospital than if they were treated by hospitals rated 1-star.