Continuing Medical Education Program

GRMC’s Accreditation Program Information

Guadalupe Regional Medical Center (GRMC) has achieved accreditation from the Texas Medical Association. The Texas Medical Association (TMA) accreditation seeks to assure both physicians and the public that CME activities sponsored by GRMC meet the high standards as adopted by TMA. TMA rigorously evaluates the overall CME programs of Texas organization according to national criteria adopted by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME).

Join our CME Email Group

Request a CME Topic or Course

Volunteer to become a CME Speaker

CME Contact
Deana Henk, GHN CEO & GRMC CME Coordinator

Anita Moore, GHN Provider Enrollment Coordinator, GRMC CME Coordinator Assistant

Call Us: (830) 303.4846

GRMC Continuing Medical Educational Calendar

GRMC offers a variety of multidisciplinary medical education conferences on topics such as vascular, wound care, oncology, orthopedics, cardiology, and more.

Upcoming CME's

Tumor Board Meetings – Regular Scheduled Series (RSS)

Frequency: Bimonthly – reoccurring the last Friday of odd months of year
2025 Dates: Jan. 24th,  Mar. 28th, May 23rd, Jul. 25th, Sep. 26th, Nov. 21st (dates are subject to change based on physicians’ availability)
Time: 7:30am
Type of Event: Live, In Person and Virtual
Venue: Typically, in GRMC Conference Room – no RSVP required.

View Flyer For More Information

Guadalupe Regional Medical Center is accredited by the Texas Medical Association (TMA) to provide continuing medical education for physicians. Guadalupe Regional Medical Center designates this Live/Regular Scheduled Series Activity for a maximum of 1 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits TM.   Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

Monthly Public Health Physician Calls (formerly COVID Call) – Regular Scheduled Series (RSS)

Frequency: As requested
2023 Dates: TBD
Type of Event: Live, Virtual Only
Venue: N/A – Virtual Only

Guadalupe Regional Medical Center is accredited by the Texas Medical Association (TMA) to provide continuing medical education for physicians. Guadalupe Regional Medical Center designates this Live/Regular Scheduled Series Activity for a maximum of 1 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits TM. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

Upcoming GHN/TMLT Programs

Partnerships with Guadalupe Healthcare Network (GHN) and Texas Medical Liability Trust (TMLT)

GRMC is pleased to partner with GHN to offer CME courses to physicians. GHN also partners with TMLT for 2 CME Courses per year that provide physicians (for each of the two courses) 2 hours of Cat 1 CME, 1 hour of Ethics credit and discount off malpractice premiums if the physician is a TMLT subscriber.

TMLT Dates are typically scheduled for the second week of April and November, but contact GHN office to confirm.

Physician CME Records Request

Physicians who have taken a GRMC CME Course and needing a copy of their certificate of completion or list of courses taken, may contact:

For information prior to 2021: Veronica San Miguel
For information from 2021 to present: Deana Henk