Behavioral Health
At GRMC, we are both passionate about quality behavioral healthcare and compassionate about those we serve. We recognize that emotional, behavioral and chemical dependency problems can affect all areas of a person’s life. That is why we have a long-standing commitment to support our community members’ efforts to provide high-quality, accessible behavioral health services.
The road to recovery can begin with professional counseling. All services provide clients with the opportunity to receive treatment while maintaining their obligations to family, work, and/or school. There can be many issues, unique to the individual, for which a person might seek counseling. If you are troubled by something and want to talk about it, no problem is “too small” to deserve care and attention.
Some clients come for a few sessions with a counselor; while others may come for longer periods of time. This decision is made by the client and counselor together, depending on the need of that client. In general, it’s a good idea to consider seeing a counselor if your difficulties persist for an extended period of time and/or if you experience symptoms to such a degree that you can no longer take part in your daily activities.
Visit our Teddy Buerger Center to learn more about mental health services, Employee Assistance Program, chemical dependency, anger management and domestic violence.
Visit our Heritage Program for Seniors for mental health services focused on the senior population.
The Teddy Buerger Center and Heritage Program for Seniors hours:
Monday – Thursday 8:00am to 5:00pm
Friday 8:00am to 4:00pm