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Six Steps to Prevent a Fall

August 21, 2024
1 minute

Every 11 seconds, an older adult is seen in an emergency department for a fall-related injury. Many falls are preventable. Stay safe with these tips!

Find a good balance and exercise program

Look to build balance, strength, and flexibility. Guadalupe Regional Wellness Center offers classes and aquatics to address these concerns.

Talk to your health care provider

Ask for an assessment of your risk of falling. Share your history of recent falls.

Regularly review your medications with your doctor or pharmacist

Make sure side effects aren’t increasing your risk of falling. Take medications only as prescribed.

Get your vision and hearing checked annually and update your eyeglasses

Your eyes and ears are key to keeping you on your feet.

Keep your home safe

Remove tripping hazards, increase lighting, make stairs safe, and install grab bars in key areas.

Talk to your family members

Enlist their support in taking simple steps to stay safe. Falls are not just a seniors’ issue.

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